Alex Becker & Nightmare Mode - 4 Reasons Why I’m Living a Super Minimalistic Lifestyle

Luke Matthews
4 min readFeb 8, 2023


It was a random starry evening in the Highlands of Scotland; I was propped up in my campervan, struggling to tether data to my computer to finish some client work…

Yes, before you say anything, this is a real story, and I, in fact, bought and refurbished an old 1996 Mazda Bongo Campervan last summer and roamed around the Scottish wildlands.

See for yourself.

Late night Campervan adventures with Homeless Luke

For those that stumbled onto this medium article and don’t know me, my name is Luke, and I’m a 38 yr old digital nomad traveling the world and managing my LinkedIn Marketing Agency — Wizard of ODD Marketing

So anyways, I managed to get my data working, and whilst chugging way too much Laphroaig whisky, I stumbled on to a video from Alex Becker called Nightmare Mode Results,” and well, I’ll share it with you (but maybe don’t click away to YouTube please) here it is:

Anyways the premise of the video was him talking about his journey of living a very minimalistic life where his 1000% focus was his business.

He sold everything and only lived in his apartment with a desk, a computer and a bed, and some basic clothes.

Alex goes on to document his journey and how he gave up alchohol, partying, women, tasty food, and basically all forms of cheap dopamine.

It was downright crazy, obsessive, and well, it worked.

The truth is, if you want to be ELITE at anything, this is what it takes.

I watched this video and went down a rabbit hole of researching cheap dopamine, fasting, and obsessions.

I knew this was what I wanted to do in 2023, so much so that I made this Evernote on August 8th, 2022.

Luke’s Nightmare Mode Plans for 2023

Looking back now, I’m on my way to doing my own version of “Nightmare Mode”..

Some of the plans have been adjusted and changed, but the premise is the same.

1. Move away from everyone I know.

I am currently making plans to move to an unknown destination; I will share my travels and thoughts from the road once I begin on this medium page!

2. Minimal Living.

I’ve sold or given away everything I have except for a few basic things:

  • My Computer & tech gear.
  • A pair of jeans, shorts, hoody, coat and a bunch of black tee shirts. Yup, I’ve gone full Zuckerberg. More on minimalistic living another day.

Everything I own fits in a travel backpack and a small carry-on.

3. Health & Fitness.

I’ve begun a very basic diet that is boring as fuck, and currently spend an hour in the gym every morning, + a sauna and red light therapy. I plan on getting in the best shape of my life this year.

I quit drinking booze for 183 days and then tested a bit of whisky this past week, only to find out I am indeed incapable of drinking in small doses.

So no more booze for me in 2023.

I quit drinking last summer and actually made a bet with an entire social media platform(LinkedIn).

See for yourself:

4. Financial Goals.

I don’t like to talk about this publically that often because I find people that talk about how much they make nauseating. But I have big goals, and I will leave it at that.

Nightmare Mode Review

Right now, my plans are still in the works, so I haven’t entered full “Nightmare Mode” as of yet, but I am really excited about it.

Thus far, I’m 80% of the way there, and I feel better than I have in a long time.

I’ll have a proper review of this kind of insane obsessive lifestyle after 2023 is over, but I just figured I’d document the journey with you guys so I can look back one day and smile.

Cheers to your Wednesday, and I hope you’ll follow me here on Medium.



Luke Matthews

I think I will write whatever random shit pops in my head here.