I've written on Medium a couple times but kinda forgot to keep it up...

Why write again?

Well here's the deal, social media platforms are completely controlled by machine learning AI bots.

We can't share anything real anymore.

I started off on LinkedIn in late 2019 for one reason.

To just share my fuckin thoughts and write whatever I wanted.

I did that and well people seemed to enjoy it but more importanlty, I enjoyed writing to myself for myself.

(multipel personality problems if I'm honest)

Anywhoodles a long story short I got banned 7x and had to go vanilla last year. I make money but man is it souless work.

I just wanna say what I fucking want again.

You can Follow me on LinkedIn for AI and marketing stuff here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukematthws/

You can sub to my email list and learn about AI if you want here: https://lukematthws.beehiiv.com/

Otherwise enjoy the weird rants and well hope to say hello or some shit.



Medium member since April 2024